End Child Abuse and Neglect Tanzania


ECAN(T) is an acronym of the words End Child Abuse and Neglect Tanzania. The organization was registered in May 2017 as a platform to cater for disadvantaged kids, adolescent girls and young women especially in marginalized and rural communities, as well as youth empowerment.  The approach is based on putting young people at the frontline for positive change.

Most of the NGOs focus much of their services in urban areas while the majorities in rural areas are left without help. That is where we come in. Since the main objective of the organization is to create sustainable community development; We decided to operate in both rural and urban areas in order to help children, adolescent girls, young women and young people to transition safe from childhood into productive adulthood.

Youth Leadership Summit



NGOs |Private Sector

School Clubs



Club Members

Mother and child protection committees




News & Events

Schools Clubs Activities

Schools Clubs Activities

We make sure all young people right in the schools understand and are capacitated to support our vision. We have established schools club in almost 10 schools and we empower them to speak out and air out their voices to the issues pertaining to their health and...

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Mother and Child Protection committees training

Mother and Child Protection committees training

We are glad to facilitate the inauguration and training of Mother and Child Protection committees in two wards in Kiteto District, Manyara region. The committees involves community influencers in each ward including Local Government Authorities, religious leaders,...

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The 2nd Manyara Youth Leadership Summit 2021

The 2nd Manyara Youth Leadership Summit 2021

An incredible second summit took place between 24th-27th June 2021. 250 young people gathered from different places to have creative dialogue and conversations around community challenges including sexual and gender based violence. The event was Launched by HE....

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Community Training

Community Training

Creating and strengthening education and awareness on the issues pertaining to children, adolescents and young women health and wellbeing among community members is one of our objective. We conduct regular training within the community.

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