Area of Operation.!


The Organization’s activities are legally carried out on Tanzania mainland although we are currently basing in Northern Tanzania especially for marginalized and rural communities where vulnerabilities are much higher.

Our Goal

We are committed to creating safe environment for children, young girls and young women to access better health and wellbeing to achieve their means end in life while contributing to national development.

Our activities and approaches

  • Training and capacity building to the community members on how to prevent, respond to, recognize and report safeguarding and protection concerns.
  • Youth inclusion and participation: We organize youth leadership events like summits and symposium, bring in influential leaders and decision makers where youth can raise their concerns and find solutions together
  • Seminars to raise awareness to the community members and children/girls themselves to the issues pertaining to their health, right and wellbeing.
  • Strategic advocacy to the issues pertaining to children and girls’ health and wellbeing
  • Community outreaches: Especially during national and international days we reach out with messages on eradicating early marriages/pregnancies, FGM and all forms of abuse.
  • Peaceful (anti gender-based violence) marching
  • Economic empowerment especially for girls in order to reduce dependence over men which makes them voiceless and discriminated against