Who Are We? Where we want to Go! What we Do!


End Child Abuse and Neglect Tanzania

ECAN (T) is a registered non-government, not-for-profit, non-partisan and non-religious organization operating in Tanzania. The organization is headquartered in Kiteto District, Manyara region, and was founded by nine (9) members.

Our name ECAN(T) is an acronym of the words End Child Abuse and Neglect Tanzania. The organization was registered in May 2017 as a platform to cater for disadvantaged kids, adolescent girls and young women especially in marginalized and rural communities, as well as youth empowerment.  The approach is based on putting young people at the frontline for positive change.

Most of the NGOs focus much of their services in urban areas while the majorities in rural areas are left without help. That is where we come in. Since the main objective of the organization is to create sustainable community development; We decided to operate in both rural and urban areas in order to help children, adolescent girls, young women and young people to transition safe from childhood into productive adulthood.

Our Goal

We are committed to creating safe environment for children, young girls and young women to access better health and wellbeing to achieve their means end in life while contributing to national development.


We Value

Self- awareness to everyone, Integrity, Transparency, Accountability, Diversity, Morality, Team working committed with responsibility, and Innovative, Quality service to everyone, Needy focused.


Our Vision

Every child rises up healthy, happy and visionary feeling loved and protected.

Our Mission

Bringing the permanent end of children ,adolescent girls and young women abuses in Tanzania through education, empowerment and participatory approach.