We are establishing a three years’ safeguarding and child protection strategy which is intended to prevent gender based violence, breaking silence and providing a referral system for survivors of violence through participatory approach. The mainly aims;
❖ To raise awareness among community members
❖ To strengthen coordination and communication among key stakeholders
❖ To strengthen the reporting mechanism on the issues related to gender based violence.

Since 2017, we have been engaging different stakeholders including regional and local government, to initiate creative dialogues with stakeholders including youth, NGOs and community leaders on gender and sexual violence among adolescent girls and young women. In 2019 and 2021, we partnered with Kiteto DC to organize Manyara Youth summits. As a result, The summit has created a solid network with multiple stakeholders including district and local government, religious and traditional leaders, schools administrations and like-minded organizations.
During the summit young people developed different calls for action against their decision makers to ensure gender equality is timely achieved and women and girls are reaching their full potential. The call for actions as presented to the decision makers include among others eradication of all forms of GBV, Improve Access to Post-GBV Services Delivery Points and Empowerment of Young People to be torchbearers against gender injustice. GBV especially child marriage, teenage pregnancy and domestic violence is very alarming in Kiteto district.
At the end a task force of 25 youth representatives from across the district was formed with the role of raising awareness and advocating for gender equality together with following up with the decision makers in the implementation of the actions generated during the summit. The task force also attended the workshop and provided their input on how they will work with us through.