An incredible second summit took place between 24th-27th June 2021. 250 young people gathered from different places to have creative dialogue and conversations around community challenges including sexual and gender based violence.

The event was Launched by HE. Charles Makongoro Nyerere, The Manyara Region Regional Commissioner and closed up by HE. Kundo Mathew, The Deputy Minister of Technology and Information technology. The event was also attended my the Kiteto province MP (Hon Edward Olekaita) and the district leadership.

On this event, the youth created the final resolution from 2019 and 2021summits and read it before the Deputy Minister. The government positively received the resolutions and put several promises to support the mission.

The Youth Task Force was created to consolidate and add input to turn resolutions into youth agenda and follow up on government commitments to (among other issues) end sexual and gender based violence and support youth development.

The 3rd summit shall take place in mid-2022. Be part of the movement now by donating to facilitate the activity.